Can you handle the pressure?
Once you enter the SIMUST arena, you will immediately experience the mixture of science and soccer. Nothing will remain unseen or unnoticed.
We Challenge your brain processing limits
Nothing is based on a coincidance when it comes to soccer.
Behind every missed action is a hidden reason. We want to detect the reason behind every missed action.
SIMUST involves the in-depth screening of the body and mind. All actions and responses will be carefully monitored and analyzed during a match simulation circuit.
Based on the collected data and depending on your weak points you will be recommended to follow custom made training sessions supervised by our experts.

Unmatched in Soccer Performance Testing and Training
The innovative design of SIMUST by SINA Voetballab is UNMATCHED and has made it possible to combine advanced technology and science to an ideal performance Testing and Training environment for soccer.
SIMUST was developed by Siamak Azadi with over 20 years experience with soccer players. Azadi was backed-up by a team of scientists and medical specialists.
SIMUST has been designed and developed to determine Real-time correlation between the physical, psychological, neuromuscular and cognitive changes during the game. Once you enter the SIMUST arena, nothing will remain unseen or unnoticed.
Want to know more?
Enhance decision making skills by igniting the power of the mind
SIMUST is an interactive football test and training simulator, developed by scientists from the field of cognitive science, neuro-muscular training science, exercise physiology, human movement science and backed by successful coaches and professional players. After 8 years of research and experiment, SIMUST is ready to be deployed and integrated in your club as one of the most valuable test and training tools for your club.
Whether you are a professional or talented youth football player, you will feel and see the positive changes and differences after only 4 to 6 sessions of training with SIMUST. The AI-driven, interactive system will help you reach the highest possible level in your performance.
Some of the advantages of training with SIMUST:
Optimizing scan behavior and 360-degree awareness
Improving multiple target identification
Optimizing decision-making
Expanding player’s comfort-zone
Increasing number of successful action executions
Increasing passing accuracy
Reducing non-contact injuries by reducing the unnecessary COD’s (Changes of direction)
”This is real football, nothing comparable, you can improve yourself to your extreme”
scan behavior
One of the key features of Simust is to teach the player how to scan effectively. The arena and content we use are designed to stimulate the player to see and identify all possibilities.
”It is brilliant, even as a professional player, I have learned a lot”
Improving multiple target identification
Visual processing starts during scanning. The player needs to identify the playable targets and decide which target to play.
Optimizing decision-
making process
Once the scan-behavior and 360-degree field awareness has been optimized, the player is now ready to process and choose one of the targets. The decision-making process leads to an action-execution.
The diversity, random character and gradual reduction of action-execution time will help the player to reduce the decision-making time.
Expanding player’s
Most of the players are used to executing their actions to their preferred side (see video). Even if the player scans and is fully aware of multiple choices, he/she will have the tendency to pass to his preferred side (using recorded patterns in the past). If the player is not well trained, playing the ball outside of his comfort-zone will likely lead to missed passes or failed action-executions.
Due to multiple sessions of random and variable training, designed by our experts, the player’s comfort-zone will expand, and the number of successful action-executions will increase.
Increasing number of successful
action executions
Perfect scanning behavior and being aware of all choices is just the starting point. Our study shows that even when a player’s scanning behavior is optimized, it will not necessarily lead to the best choice in action-execution (read our study).
There are a number of facts which will help the player to maximize his/her success in executing actions. Optimized scanning behavior and 360-degree awareness is just one of them. Once the player is aware of the possibilities and the comfort-zone is expanded, the player is able to perform under pressure. The number of the successful actions will increase. And that is what matters in football. The successful number of action-executions.

”The gamification is great. You learn while you are having fun”
Implementation of smart software and interactive training tools are increasing on a daily basis. The science behind more than 150 Test and training possibilities makes SIMUST unique and unmatched. Designed at different levels of difficulty, where cognitive tasks are combined with executable football actions, (such as passing, blocking, sprinting etc.).
Nothing will remain unseen in the SIMUST Arena. The AI-driven software and the cameras will detect every move and see what the player sees. SIMUST detects the reason behind every successful and missed (failed) action. The system is always on, and the player needs to respond in time. This means every training with SIMUST is equal to 100% effort from the player, Contrary to some field trainings which depend on the state of the mood and physical condition of the teammates.
Once familiar with the methodology of training with SIMUST you will acknowledge that it is not a one-size-fits-all system. Every level of difficulty (Acquisition, Refinement and Mastery) has its own sub levels to be trained in.
”It is brilliant, even as a professional player, I have learned a lot”
Last but not least: When it comes to practical implementation, this has also been fully thought out. SIMUST is an easy-to-use system, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Although the systems are easy to install and move, if necessary, we prefer a permanent installation especially when it comes to the Pro version. The hardware is very durable and suitable for long-term and excessive use. It is also possible to make custom made content if required, to meet the specific tactical demands of the coach /trainer for certain player(-s).
We would be happy to discuss the specific needs, customized solutions and the financing of the system.
If you need any additional information or would like to make an appointment for a demonstration, please do not hesitate and fill in the contact form. We will arrange a meeting and demonstration for your club as soon as possible.
We would be happy to tell you more during an extensive consultation demonstration in our Simust training center in Beverwijk.